It was yet another bad moment for Biden when, during a July of 2023 sit-down interview with MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace, he awkwardly stood up and walked off the set while the live interview was still on the air, something stunningly weird even despite the president’s past gaffes and oddities.

That came when Biden, realizing that the interview was about over, said, “I’ll be a president for every American whether they voted for me or not.” Nicole Wallace then thanked him for doing the interview, saying, “Mr. President, thank you.”

It then got awkward in a hurry, as Biden stood up to shake Wallace’s hand and said,  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Wallace then told Biden, who was at that point standing up and looking like he was ready to head off, not to leave, saying, “Don’t go anywhere. It’s a very exciting day around here. We’ll have reaction and analysis to everything we just heard.” Biden walked away anyway.

Though the interview was mainly panned for Biden’s awkward standing up and walking away, it was also attacked because Wallace didn’t ask President Biden a single question about the Hunter Biden situation. In fact, the recent whistleblower revelations and slap-on-the-wrist plea deals weren’t brought up by Wallace, much less used to press the president and find answers.

Skewering Wallace for that in a statement to the Daily Mail, Rep. James Comer said, “It defies logic and basic journalism principles that during a 20-minute interview with MSNBC, President Biden was not asked a single question regarding Hunter Biden or his involvement with his family’s business dealings.”

During the 20-minute interview, however, Biden did find time to attack the Supreme Court for its affirmative action ruling. Speaking about the decision, President Biden first said that the Supreme Court has “done more to unravel basic rights and basic decisions than any court in recent history.”

Speaking specifically about the affirmative action ruling, he said, “I just find it so out of sorts with the basic value system of the American people.” That claim, however, is incorrect; recent polling has found that the majority of Americans agree with the Supreme Court decision and are against the use of racial discrimination when making decisions about admissions.

He also rambled about the media, saying, “This is not a criticism of the press. It’s an observation. There’s a lot to be worried about around the world, and talking to a lot of reporters, they tell me — I’m going to be careful what I say here — a number of reporters have indicated that there’s no editors anymore, on what they do.

Watch Biden walk away here:


Wallace also asked Biden if he thinks former President Trump would have tipped the Russian government off about the Wagner Group’s supposed mutiny, to which Biden responded by saying, “Oh, God. I don’t know. I don’t think about that very often.

Biden also said, when asked how RINO Sen. McCain would view the current Republican Party, “I don’t think he’d think much of it.” However, near immediately after saying that, he quickly added, “I don’t know that.”

Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video