CV NEWS FEED // Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced that he scored a major legal victory over the Biden-Harris administration related to construction on the Trump administration’s border wall.

“I obtained a court order forcing border czar [Vice President Kamala Harris] and [President Joe Biden] to finish President Trump’s border wall,” Bailey wrote on X (formerly Twitter) Tuesday morning.

He added that the Biden-Harris administration “decided NOT to appeal, making our win FINAL.”

“The rest of President Trump’s border wall is going up because of this lawsuit,” wrote Bailey.

“The Biden Administration has failed to abide by the law to finish the construction of a wall along the southwest border,” Bailey explained in a press release published by his office. “Joe Biden refuses to carry out his constitutionally mandated responsibilities, so we took him to court to force him to do his job.”

Bailey’s office noted that while Trump was still president, Congress passed a law that

provided $1.4 billion to build the border wall and explicitly stated the money “shall only be available for construction of barrier systems along the southwest border.” The Biden Administration refused to comply with Congress’ command.

When asked why the Biden Administration “did not build a barrier, such as a wall, to keep migrants out,” it replied that “[i]t is not the policy of this administration” because “[w]e do not agree with the building of a wall.”

“Missouri, alongside Texas, immediately filed suit,” Bailey’s office noted.

The United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued the ruling granting the states’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction.


The ruling pointed out that “Walls and fences have existed at the border between the United States and Mexico for years.”

While many on the political left claim that the goal of securing the border with a physical boundary is motivated by white racialism, polling shows that a rising percentage of Hispanic and Latino Americans support the construction of a border wall.

CatholicVote noted in April that an Axios poll “found that 42% of Latino voters supported the construction of ‘a wall or fence along the entire U.S.–Mexico border … a 12-point jump from December 2021.’”

In the three years since Biden delegated the responsibility of securing the nation’s southern border to Harris, the ongoing illegal migrant crisis continued to intensify, surging to unprecedented levels.

In May, CatholicVote reported that per government data “there were about five times more ‘gotaways’ at the border in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 than in FY 2020,” the last before the Biden-Harris administration assumed office.

CatholicVote’s May report added:

“Gotaways” refers to people who illegally enter the country but whom U.S. law enforcement fail to detain. In FY 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded a staggering 670,674 gotaways – almost exactly quintuple the 136,808 the agency had documented in FY 2020 when former President Donald Trump was in the White House.


In the week after Biden dropped out of the 2024 election and endorsed Harris, a host of media outlets published reports claiming that Harris was never made Biden’s “border czar” – a title many of the same media outlets had used to refer to Harris’ portfolio in 2021.

Also in 2021, Harris’ record on the border issue came under increased scrutiny following a viral interview with NBC’s Lester Holt.

When Holt asked Harris multiple times if she planned to visit the border, the vice president replied: “At some point, you know, we are going to the border. We’ve been to the border. So this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.”

Holt pointed out that Harris had not in fact visited the border.

“And I haven’t been to Europe,” Harris said.